If anyone was around Forsyth Park this past Saturday for the Earth Day celebrations you may have bumped into Ashley getting the word out about our biz. Sitting on the back porch of her house cutting down cardboard diverted from a neighbor's recycling, (thanks dude) our shall we say unconventional flyer methods did not go unnoticed. We explained ourselves and the business and as we firmly placed the last stamp on "flyer" no. 250 it felt good.
On this earth day we wanted to say "thanks mom"! In a time of quick-fix, drive-thru, more more more mentality the GREEN message can seem daunting. Where to begin? What makes a difference? Can one person even have an impact? How much of my lifestyle do I have to give up? Chill, breathe, its gonna be ok. No one expects you to go live off the grid somewhere in Arkansas.
It may seem trite but just making a conscious effort to conserve is the best first baby steps to do. Turn off water when brushing teeth, turn off lights, unplug electronics.
Everything makes a difference and if each person would make a little difference imagine what would happen. One person does make an impact, so really that's just a played out excuse.
When trying to live more sustainably its not all about sacrificing, but rather substituting. Using a different product that contains less dangerous chemicals (for yourself and the environment), using LESS of anything, Being creative and thinking of different uses for things that may have been tossed...you get the idea. Here's a few smart tricks that are E-A-S-Y.
1)To keep clothing fresh for 3 or more wears, spritz them with vodka in a recycled spray bottle. It naturally removes odors, and in turn reduces the amount of energy and water you need for laundry. And don't worry, you wont reek of liquor- Vodka is odorless.
2)Put a dryer sheet in your pocket to repel insects during the summer months. It works! And it cuts back on harmful chemicals leached onto your skin and clothing.
Trust me I am still striving to live a more sustainable lifestyle everyday. I'd love to walk into Brighter Day and have a clue what those curious aisles held or know all the right nuts to get for our body's different needs, or basically not feel like I had my Kroger plus card attached to my forehead. But hey, Its an evolution, a journey and I'm glad to be on it especially with a killer biz partner like Ash. Who by the way just posted some organic, soy printed tees on the site! go to www.habsav.com to get you one, yeah I said it.
Happy Earth Day!
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