Thaaaat's right, we're one year older. We can hardly believe that a year has transpired since Ashley first opened her doors in the studio space adjacent to Satchel. Fitting, then, that they too are celebrating with us tonight, as Satchel is coming up on their 5th anniversary!
We couldn't imagine a celebration without extending an invitation to all the supporters, friends and clients who have helped make Haberdashery and Satchel what they are today. So please plan to join us tonight, October 13th, from 5-8pm at 311 West Broughton Street.
In addition to some food and beverages, we will both be having some amazing anniversary SALES. And this is the ideal time to place your special HOLIDAY ORDERS!
We'll see you all tonight. And thanks again, Savannah, for a fantastic first year in operation!
Can't make it tonight? Check out our anniversary sales on our Etsy site!
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